Sunday 23 October 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

A question that buzzes in my mind all the time is: is there a way to prepare little children, step by step, so that by the age of 18 they would be ready to be involved in politics? I asked some people around me. Some said that political education should start at around 15. Some thought that it should start gradually after the age of 18.

Some of you may know that my latest obsession is Dr. Seuss’s children’s books. One of them is “Green Eggs and Ham”. The story revolves around a conversation between two characters. One of them is trying to convince the other to try and taste green eggs and ham but the other just won’t. They both insist. In the end, the character tries green eggs and ham.. and likes them very much!

Other than the light-hearted conversation and the cute illustrations, a child might perceive the message that we shouldn’t say no to anything before trying it. You shouldn’t say no to broccoli before tasting it, and years later, you shouldn’t say no to a person or idea before listening.. and listening very carefully.

This convinced me that preparation for political life does not have to be learning facts and figures only. It can be helping kids acquire qualities that are essential for anyone who wants to get involved. This could be the first stage. Then comes learning history and gradually getting deep into it. Then watching the news and reading the newspapers. Then.. voila! You’re almost ready to be politically active.

So if you have kids
or are like me – a kid :P – we know how to start now.
I’ll start by “Green Eggs and Ham”!
<3ashan ana masry msh ha2ool lel bamya ya333!!> ;)

 Please don’t crticise me for using “ham”. I’m a Muslim. I don’t eat Ham. I don’t encourage people to eat Ham. My message is very clear and very NOT related to ham vs. beef. I’m just copying Dr. Seuss’s expression.

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