Sunday 25 November 2012

Climate Neutrality

Copied from the UN publication "Kick the Habit".. Spread awareness!

Kick The Habit, A UN guide to climate neutrality

Carbon-neutral, yes – that sounds familiar. But climate? The answer is simple: it is not just carbon dioxide, CO2, that is driving climate change, even if it makes up almost 80 per cent of the climate gases (including contributions from changes in land use) emitted by human activities. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant greenhouse gas we are adding to the atmosphere, but it is not the only one. The international climate change treaty, the Kyoto Protocol, limits the emissions of six main GHGs produced by human activities (see table). The gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).

The term climate neutrality is used in this book to mean living in a way which produces no net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This should be achieved by reducing your own GHG emissions as much as possible, and using carbon offsets to neutralize the remaining emissions.

Monday 12 November 2012


Recently, I have been travelling through time with a "book-friend" called Peeps at Many Lands: Egypt by R. Talbot Kelly.

The author showed a great deal of astonishment, which made me a very happy reader. With his words, I drew a beautiful picture of a city that I am familiar with (i.e. Cairo) but Oh my foes and Oh my friends, how different the Cairo I know is from the one he is describing!

(اجمل صور نادرة للمصر على مر الزمن)
"And now I must tell you something about the bazaars, which, after the mosques, are the most interesting relics in Cairo, and in many cases quite as old. First, I may say that the word "bazaar" means "bargain," and as in the East a fixed price is unusual, and anything is worth just what can be got for it, making a purchase is generally a matter of patience, and one may often spend days in acquiring some simple article of no particular value. An exception is the trade in copper ware, which is sold by weight, and it is a common practice among the poorer classes to invest their small savings in copper vessels of which they have the benefit, and which can readily be sold again should money be wanted. This trade is carried on in a very picturesque street, called the "Sûk-en-Nahassīn," or street of the coppersmiths, where in tiny little shops 4 or 5 feet square, most of the copper and brass industry of Cairo is carried on. Opening out of this street are other bazaars, many very ancient, and each built for some special trade. So we have the shoemaker's bazaar, the oil, spice, Persian and goldsmith's bazaars, and many others, each different in character, and generally interesting as architecture. The Persian bazaar is now nearly demolished, and the "Khan Khalili," once the centre of the carpet trade, and the most beautiful of all, is now split up into a number of small curio shops, for the people are becoming Europeanized, and the Government, alas! appear to have no interest in the preservation of buildings of great historic interest and beauty."
This is a paragraph in the book, one that disturbed me a lot actually. Look at the underlined phrase. Now I ask: did we ever have a government that knew what it was doing? Did we ever have a government that appreciated this country's treasures? This book was written in the early 20th century and I cannot imagine that the curse of clumsy authorities date back to then. Of course, in the recent times, describing our governments as "clumsy" would be the understatement of the century. You must add corrupt, dictatorial and ignorant... at least!

Will this ever change?

Sunday 11 November 2012

The Hospital Dump

Originally written on October 8th...

I've been a med-student for 2 weeks now. I've enjoyed most of it. However my least favourite part of the day –everyday- was passing from one building to another, because I had to pass by the hospital.

I was surprised to find a huge garbage dump a few metres from the hospital. Why was I surprised? Name a public hospital in Egypt that does not have a dump in front of its doors!

I tried to stay pos

So this morning, I had this little exam to sit for, and at times like these, my mind traps each and every negative thought found around me and entertains them until they become big bulky mountains of pure misery. But there was a BIG positive thought in front of my eyes. They were removing the dump! Yaaaaay!

I rushed to the examination hall completely sure that by the time I finish the exam, that dump would be history.
Well, I was wrong.
They did remove a lot of the garbage but there was still a lot. It was still smelly and surrounded by a halo of flying insects.. and other things that we can’t see.

Stop and stare!
You’ll find a bunch of cats looking for food in that dump and when they’re full they’ll seek shelter from the burning sun.. right there.. by those patients there.. sitting on the pavement!

And then a taxi drives by.. and honks the horn repeatedly.. then shouts like a wild gorilla.. at a nurse.. who in return shouted back very loudly. The nurse was pushing a wheelchair.. with a person laying with his head dangling back. I think he was unconscious. But that’s ok. I’m pretty sure he can wait in the sun until the taxi driver and the nurse decide to wise up.

These scenes leave me depressed and emotionally exhausted. And perhaps that is why I tried not to give them much thought so that I would enjoy the thrill of the first week in college. But when I visited my preparatory school and spilled everything out between the hands of my favourite teacher and one of the most inspirational people I’ve seen, she guided me to the fact that these scenes might actually make me put the patients into consideration when I’m planning for my future. It won’t be only about how many degrees I get. It would be how much care I give!

I hope that my sensitivity to suffering wouldn't grow so that I would be a failure, nor would it disappear so that I would be cold.

Thursday 30 August 2012

A Muslim .. Converting to Islam (1)

Last Ramadan (yes, that one that went too fast) I watched the stories of a lot of people who converted to Islam. I couldn't help but feel envious. The serenity in their voices and in their smiles made me wonder why am I different? What do they see that I don't? How can they be so sure about things that are hidden "Ghayb"?

People around me have been telling me that anyone coming out from a dark room would appreciate the light more than anyone else. Who ever said that we -Muslims- aren't in a dark room?! We are SO far from the teachings of our religion! It's dark and we're not searching for the light because we're too busy stumbling over each other.

Anyway, I decided to follow in their footsteps and get to know Islam from the beginning. So I started searching for books that introduce Islam. Someone recommended Islam: Religion of Life by AbdulWadood Shalaby. I felt so overwhelmed! The first chapter was about the testimonies (Shahadatayn) and how they should affect real life.. things I never knew and never thought of! Then, I started to get a little bored because the rest of the book was about the stuff that we were taught in primary school. STOP! This way I'm never going to reach my goal .. of having that strong faith. I want to be so convinced by this religion to the degree that I would be 100% sure that even if I hadn't been born a Muslim, I would've converted to Islam.

I tried to forget all I know about my life and my religion. This was the hardest part of it. There were questions.. my heart would skip a beat when I asked myself those questions. Partly because I'm emotional in addition to the instability of thinking in teens, I felt lost!

But then I was saved. Moez Massoud and Fadel Soliman focused this year on the fact that it is ok to question as long as you're open to all the answers and willing to admit the right even if it's against your wish!

I haven't reached where I want to be.. but I'm walking.. or more accurately speaking, crawling!
I need your prayers! :)

Tuesday 14 August 2012


The plane started moving and I started playing the play-list on my cell phone. Honestly, I didn't actually listen to anything because I was already preoccupied with the take-off and whether we are going to crash as my optimistic friend promised or not.

When the plane successfully took off – whew! – I still wasn't listening. Even though I've been on a plane many many times and my brothers and sisters have always generously allowed me to have the window seat, this time was different.

I've never been taken to this degree by how things grow smaller and smaller very quickly. But that's not the big deal! The plane flew over the suburbs of Alexandria, parts of Cairo and Al-Fayyoum. All those little houses, tiny cars, invisible people.. and that's just parts of 3 cities in Egypt. If you want to enjoy your flight it's not wise to try to count or even estimate the people and houses you fly over.. but wise was never my word!

Human beings can do statistics. They can count the number of people, and maybe the sum of money they earn. They reach to the 'estimate' of the world population with extreme difficulty; reaching the real figure is definitely mission impossible.

But imagine.. try to imagine.. that each.. and every person.. that the plane flew over their heads.. has their complete life planned. Don't move to the next sentence until you 'really' imagine that each individual.. has their complete.. life.. planned: Where will he go? How will he go? Who does he want to meet? Who will he meet? How will he act? How will the other person react? How will he feel? What will he decide? That is in the frame of one hour. His whole life is planned this way. Each individual has a detailed plan by God. Widen the circle: it's not just Cairo, Alexandria and AlFayyoum.. each individual in the whole world! Can you imagine? *SubhanAllah*

What's more, how precise, coherent and AMAZING is the interaction between the lives or the plans of these individuals. Again.. imagine.. try to imagine... that today in one the hospitals of Cairo, a young nurse was really helpful to an old man. He was going to stop taking medication and let his case get worse because the healthcare system is run by a bunch of merciless vampires. However, the nurse's attitude made him think that this decision is perhaps a little too impulsive. He thanked her so much like no patient ever did before and that gave her a positive push that made her work till the end of the week with a gush of positive energy. SubhanAllah and Alhamdulillah.. God was behind this plan.

Imagine again.. that today, in of the small streets of Al-Fayyoum, Mamdouh met Fawzy. Fawzy was very cruel to Mamdouh. They fought. They both went home. Fullstop. So? So, this was a test for both sides. Fawzy should have been cooler and Mamdouh should have been more patient. If both men decide to spend some time thinking of the 'higher' reason behind the appearance of this 'foreign individual' in their plan, they might actually learn something from life.

It's pretty difficult to remain focused on the higher reasons in such a quick-paced life but it's a must to take a break every now one and then and look at things from 'above'. And that is when I finally noticed that Sami Yusuf has been telling me:

"There’s something deep inside
Something that’s calling
It’s calling you and I
It’s taking us up “high”
To healing...

...Hearts in the hand of another heart and in God’s hand are all hearts!"

Oh! We landed already?! Wow! Planes can take your imagination up high sometimes!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Let Your Heart Expand

"You know, but I think your heart grows back bigger. You know? Once you get the shit beat out of you. And, um, the universe lets your heart expand that way, and I think that's the function of all this pain and heartache that you go through and you gotta go through that to come out to a better place and that's how I see it, anyway."
- Must Love Dogs (2005)

This movie quote caught my attention but I wasn't able to fully understand it or embrace it until my biology teacher explained how some antibiotics work.

Some antibiotics kill the bacteria by weakening the bacterial cell wall. How?

According to my teacher, there's an enzyme that punches holes into the stiff wall of the bacterial cell wall allowing the cell to expand or increase in size. Then, another enzyme, transpeptidase, does the healing of these holes. The antibiotics stop the healing process so the holes cause the weakening of the wall so the cell "bursts".

If the pain or the suffering you've gone through are that enzyme that dug holes into your heart (the cell wall), this allows your heart to expand. However, it is unlikely that you'll burst because, in this case, the transpeptidase or the healing enzyme is God's mercy... and it's endless! Alhamdulilah! God sends people to help you out and signs to keep you going.

But what exactly is the expansion of the heart? Personally, I believe that most of our thoughts in the normal state are categorised under "what I want". But after any intense experience, it's as if a process of automatic prioritisation takes place; our thoughts get classified under what's important, what's more important and what's not important at all. We begin to look at life from an absolutely different perspective. This leads to a state of satisfaction with what God has given you.

Also, in pain lies purification. After every trouble or ordeal, one begins to think: “What have I ever done to deserve this?” If I'm truly frank with myself, I will find many flaws to improve. Of course, linking pain to personal mistakes is not quite right; pain is a key ingredient in life and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we'll be able to heal ourselves. However, even if I'm back to my balance, I should still have traces of the “I wanna be better” thought. This, to me, is purification.

[ satisfaction + purification = expansion ]

In the end, the best thing about hard times is that .. they do pass. Feel the mercy, thank The Merciful and let your heart expand.

Friday 30 March 2012

The Alien from Neptune

We always say “As a human being you should sympathise with people around you and offer them comfort.” OK! That's great! We always say that assuming that the human being is the most civilised creature. But.. what if.. only if.. there was a better choice?

Every human being is the centre of his/her own universe. It's absolutely normal. That doesn't mean they are “self-centred”. What determines selfishness and its vice is the distance from the centre at which you place people and whether you see them in full dimensions; not just a moving bulk of flesh and blood but a container of memories, thought, hope, frustration, love and fear, and a significant creation of God that has its glow and its flaw.

If Aicha is in trouble and Enas wishes to help her, Enas starts asking herself: 
“Has ENAS done enough for AICHA?” 
“Has ENAS made AICHA feel any better?” 
“Has ENAS been a supportive friend to AICHA?”

Awww! That's very sweet and generous of Enas!
NO! It's NOT!
Notice that the name ENAS appears each time before AICHA. Why? Actually, her name should not appear at all! In most cases, even if AICHA does not feel any better, ENAS does not work any harder because ENAS's goal was to “show” support so she does that and even if the results are not favourable, she just stops there. This is about AICHA so ENAS should forget about herself a little.. and this is finally where I get to my point..

What if I -also known as Enas- forget that I'm a human being with full existence and imagine that I am... emmm... an alien from Neptune and that I'm a mere observer of the human condition. All my experience and my human connections serve only as a database of advice that I will use as an alien while trying to comfort my 'human' friend with minimum reference to me, my life, my sorrows, my ANYTHING. I, ME and MY are forbidden to be spoken.. or even thought of!

This will require so much patience. You cannot try this when you're tired, hungry, in a bad mood or when the weather's hot. Aliens don't like summer!

Perfectionist and impossible to apply in real life? Maybe, but I'll have fun trying. Imagining to be a alien from Neptune can never be boring.
I don't claim to be a perfect friend. Frankly, my friends are being extra patient with me and my behaviour all the time [ thank you guys <3 ]. But we all just want to make life easier for each other. :)

Thursday 29 March 2012

The Lady In the Shoe

Written on the 4th of March

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth, without any bread,
Whipped them all soundly, and sent them to bed.

I laughed out loud when I first came across this nursery rhyme. Even though it conveys absolute misery, I laughed, because it's untrue. I know that this person with this suffering does not actually exist.

But wait a minute! This person does exist. SURPRISE! (I feel very proud of myself when I'm able to steal your smile away.)

This person does exist. Actually, there are millions of her. People who watch Amro El Leithy's 'One of the People' [wa7ed mn el nas واحد من الناس] program know it very well. Let's analyse each word...

Old woman:
probably unable to take care of herself or her kids and probably unable to work because of her age.

a small dark smelly place with no electricity, no water and no drainage.

So many children:
that in itself isn't a problem but when associated with poverty and ignorance, it's a disaster. Plus the word "so" gives extra sensation of trouble.

Didn't know what to do:
completely helpless, especially since there's no mention of the husband. He might be dead, imprisoned or at some dirty dump where junkies and drug addicts meet. I'm just guessing!

Without any bread:
that's pretty clear! They will sleep hungry..

Whipped them all soundly:
clear child abuse that is ALWAYS associated with ignorance that leads to drastic psychological impacts on the children who will grow up into insecure unbalanced adults and take it out all on their children. The circle of life!


So this supposed-to-be merry nursery rhyme talks about some 40% of the Egyptian population. Meanwhile, the media is talking about Parliament Rockstar Bakry, Parliament Badboy ElOleimy, police officers who want to grow beards and what Sawiris thinks of it and presedential candidates who are bla bla bla-ing all day. Believe it or not, the MP who said that English should be forbidden takes more attention than Amr Khaled who is trying to educate 50,000 illiterates. SubhanAllah ya Akhi! The more important issues like the old woman in the shoe are like dessert to the media: said very quickly in the beginning or the end. (Take a deep breath..)


May Allah's Mercy befall the hungry, the cold and the sleepless.
May His Mercy (SWT) befall the innocent people of Syria.
May His Mercy (SWT) befall the imprisoned in Palestine.
May His Mercy (SWT) befall us all..

حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل

Saturday 3 March 2012

The Cement Tree

The green branches of the high trees linked together like crossed hands and allowed the sunlight to penetrate magically and swiftly between their fingers. Those thin rays of light tickled the small particles that danced in the air like glitter after a girls' party. Then the glitter fell on the arched back of an old young man. Old young man? The little spectators of the forest had a debate. The squirrels saw he was old; look at the sluggish movement of his feet and hear the loud wheezing sound of his breathing. The birds defended; he was weak but not old. His face was tired but not wrinkled. He might have seen much pain but not many years.

That weak spine carried a huge heavy cloth bag and struggled with it through the forest until he reached a stream running beside a little clearance where the spring sun shone brightly, at last. He placed the bag down and sat breathlessly beside it. He was surprised by the coolness of the soil, which made him spring into action. He opened the cloth bag and took out a metal container. He piled some cement into it from inside the bag also and approached the stream and did his work of magic. He was a sculptor, or at least he was supposed to be.

He worked for hours and hours, taking very few, very short breaks in between just to wash his face and quench his thirst. The night fell and the stars decorated the dark sky. Beautiful! The stars, the trees, the birds, the crickets, they are there all the time, but we do not seem to notice them unless we're told that it's the last time. He sighed loudly when he remembered the doctor's prophecy that the old young man wouldn't be alive when summer arrives, at most.

This went on for around a week. The birds wondered: how can a young man be so skilful?! The squirrels wondered: How can an old man be able to persevere all these days alone in the forest?! And they both Oohed and Aahed when they saw the amazing work of art. A cement tree! Cement branches with cement leaves with carved veins. He made a hole that crossed the diameter of the trunk and as the spring breeze oozed through it and played a magical tune like a sound from heaven.

He carved some sentences all around the trunk.
“Hopefully, you will be having a relaxing break from the hectic life out there and will be lured by the cement flute in here to find me laying dead. Don't panic! Don't worry! Just bury me here. Make this cement tree my cemetery. I never feared leaving. I feared not leaving a mark before I leave. There it stands; my mark, my fulfilment, my work of art, my passion that I was born with but only dared to carry out when I was about to die. I might have lived like all people do but I died differently. You still have a chance to “live” differently. Don't leave this clearance before the night falls and have a little conversation with the stars. They miss you. They will change your life. This tree knows no seasons. It will stand and sing all year long. Peace.”

Monday 30 January 2012


I was finally able to clearly communicate with one of the people who live inside of me. He's an old man, an annoying one too.

"You know, I never expected that an old man would be in me, since, you know, I'm a girl and I'm .. younger." I said between pauses, not knowing how exactly I should be talking to this 'person'.

"Of course, you are young and ignorant," he rudely replied. "How do you, foolish girl, think you like Um Kolthoum? Why do you think you hate shopping? Why do you think you hate Justin Bieber? That's me! That's all me!" 

"Well, thank you very much for that, but I'm just wondering if I'm 17, how can you be.. How old did you say you were?"

"I'm as old as the journey of the river. I'm as old as the blaze of the sun," he said dramatically.

I looked at him, utterly clueless..

"It's because of me that you like poetry, by the way," he paused. "Stop staring, you anaemic! OK! OK! I'm 78!" he screamed..

UGH! He's sooo rude! He's going to die soon anyway!

"And you aren't brave enough to say that to my face?"

My God! Of course he can read my mind! He lives IN my mind! I blushed..

"For your information, foolish girl, I was born the day you were born and I will die the day you die. Unlike you, I was born old. I was born 78. I'll always be 78. I'll keep on calling you (foolish girl) until you're 78 just like me, only then can we get along together," he explained.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I said "I don't remember ever hearing you when I was 10 for example."

"Well of course, foolish girl, I was there but I was not loud enough. No one could beat that squeaky voice that kept on screaming BARBIE! BARBIE!"

"Oh! You met her? Oh! I miss her!" I said in a nostalgic tone.

"Yes! I met her. I think I might have killed her." he said and my jaws dropped in a shock.
"I'm just kidding, you foolish girl!"

At this point I was very grateful to meet the 'voice' that made me hate shopping .. aaand Bieber. However, that was quite enough!

"Sooo.. emmm.. it's been a pleasure... emmm.. maybe... emm.. we'd do this again...later.. OH! I forgot to ask.. what's your name?"

"Foolish girl! I'm Yu!"
"Cute name! What's that? Chinese?"
"No! Foolish girl! I'm YOU! YOU! YOOOU!" He pointed at me with all his fingers..
"Ooookeey! You're me! Goodbye Mr. Me! Mr. You! AAAH WHATEVER!"

Then I decided to call him Grandpa.. 

Friday 20 January 2012

My Dream -

Put your dream on a cloud and let dreamers push it forward

That's the kind of sentence my godmother would tell me , if I were in a fairy tale..

But hey! Who doesn't want to live a fairy tale anyway?

Then you should thank because now you can actually post your dream on a cloud and let other dreamers push it..

We were always told that step no.1 in achieving a dream is writing it down. I used to write my dreams on a piece of paper. Somehow, this paper used to end up being torn or burnt according to the intensity of the frustration. (I once stuck pins in it! Imagine?)

On you cannot burn or tear. Even if you feel frustrated, and you log on to and watch those clouds swiftly crossing your screen, you'll definitely feel 're-charged'. This is a place where's it's legal to have a dream and where there's nothing funny about being ambitious. Push some dreams! Get your dreams pushed!

Thank you!
And congratulations for qualifying with google Ebda2.. May you always be the home of the dreamers.. and the achievers.

Thursday 19 January 2012

The Thrill

"You're gonna miss that interview.. again! You're 27 years old and all you do is hang out with your buddies and come back home at the break of dawn! Get a life, son! Look at your younger brother, he's got a beautiful family and a great job! Why aren't you like him? Why can't you be like him? Your father and I are sick and tired.."

"Good morning, Mom!" I whispered.. " I'm awake now, I swear. I'm awake."

"Son, you know I say all this for your good.."

Yeah! Right! Good!
What an amazing morning, don't you think? I washed my weary eyes and looked at the mirror.. Mom is right.. 27 years went by with no accomplishment other than being the speediest driver among my friends.

How unusual it is for me to dress formally. How do men wear these suits? I feel like my arms and neck are tied.. I rode the elevator down, counted the steps till I reached my car, oh my beautiful car! Gooood morning baby! My heaven is behind that steering wheel! 

I rode to the office. I was stuck in the morning rush hour so I was 10 minutes late to the interview.. and interviewers are never satisfied with this excuse. I wasn't expecting any more than "Thank you very much. We will call you to inform you in case you're accepted."
In case... Thank you!
I removed my tie and jacket! Oooh! I can breathe now! It was 10am by now which means the streets are nearly empty and I'm feeling very fast and furious-ish. 

There are some rules to get the best thrill..
First, roll down your window. The air is an essential element.
Second, turn off the radio or the music player. All you wanna hear is the howling engine.
Third, clear your mind.. Any foreign unwanted thought can ruin the moment.

I held the wheel firmly.. started the engine and started moving.. Wow! That feeling of the adrenaline is just AMAZING. And it increases as the speed increases. As usual, I hear nothing but the roaring engine.. and the wind!
"Get a life, son!" That little sound interrupted my harmony..
I gotta get rid of that sound.. More speed! More speeeeeeed!

Ah, yes! The wind playing through my shabby hair, just like my mom when I used to lay my head on her lap as a kid... I haven't been good to mom lately..
What's with this conscience court? What's wrong with me?
Now, all the people turned into ghosts with colourfuls halos. I could see all the light in front of me in straight lines meeting at a black point, right there in the middle.

Everything is very... hazy.. Where's the engine's sound? Where's the wind?

I tried to concentrate.. with the noise around me.. I heard feet .. coming closer.. and closer.. A hand wrapped itself around my neck. I heard a language I couldn't understand but I recognised "ambulance" and "alive".. I was trying to concentrate ... but at this point ... it was of no use... 

I'm so sorry Mom! I love you!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Imprinted not Printed

We, Egyptians, were being treated like slaves in the time of racism in the USA. 

<Good start, Enas! Y'know? People usually start off with a joke! Ka2iba!>

I couldn't find a joke to start with. But what do I mean?

During this dark period in the USA, or at least in the beginning, it was illegal to teach a black man how to read and write. In this sense, it is guaranteed that all the coming generations of the black will be illiterate and ignorant so they won't be able to speak up or find a way out of slavery.

In Egypt, it is legal to educate your child. Don't expect a country in the 21st century to have laws against education. However, since they can't do it by law, let's do it the other way. Make school the worst nightmare a child could have. Over-crowded classes, unqualified teachers, boring books, difficult exams.. what else could one wish for?! You graduate from highschool then get into the same whirl in college. If you don't worship your professor, be sure to see a fat F on your report. You have another choice: better education.. that will suck up all the money in your pockets. And since of course 40% of the people can hardly sustain the money for their children's food, you get the picture that you see. This is 'de-educating the masses'. When education deteriorates, EVERYTHING else follows. 

Try not to cry! There's more to come.

It was a fierce psychological war against the black people. Again, to guarantee that they would never rise up, they had to kill the last drop of self-respect and self-acceptance. In plain words, make black people HATE themselves. No blacks were ever to sit down in a bus. No blacks were to use a bathroom for the whites. No blacks were allowed in restaurants for the whites. In some areas and neighborhoods, if a black man enters he would be arrested. We've all heard of all this suffering that made them wonder: 'Are they not just as human as those whites?'

But besides all this, the media played a dirty role. All black people that appeared on TV in movies and etc, were 'fools'. They look terrible. They speak nonsence. They were 'clowns' for the white people to laugh at. It was sending a subliminal message to the blacks: "You are a fool! You are weak!" All the amazing musical talents were hidden. All the amazing novelists were silenced, and so on..

That same psychological war was practised on us. Don't try to convince me that in a period of 20-30 years Egypt had absolutely no successful scenarists and film-makers. 90% of the media presented to the masses was sending the same message. (Egyptian youth are helpless drug addicts who are just looking for a lame love story to waste their time. Adults are so busy complaining about everything. Your life is a piece of crap but what will you weak fellow with the huge belly do? Sit and mourn.)
I might agree, that some movies were trying to show that life to some is unbearable, but you're sending the message to the wrong audience, or maybe in the wrong package.

What's the difference between the blacks in the USA long ago and the Egyptians here? 

When the black people glimpsed a way out of this miserable life, they jumped at the opportunity and fought fiercely. None said: "I'll just be a slave. At least this way, I'm given my food and drink." 
There's a huge direction in Egypt of opposing the revolution. The previous life of slavery is missed. Hmmm..

They never print "slave" on your ID. They imprint it in your mind.

Remember this, the blacks did not get their freedom in one day. They fought and fought for years and years.. but hard work pays. The president of the USA is black!

We can't give up now! Not after all this oppression! If you don't care about the terrible standards of living and education, you should definitely be interested to know that your blood will be shed the moment your presence threatens the throne.. WE CAN'T GIVE UP NOW!