Thursday 29 March 2012

The Lady In the Shoe

Written on the 4th of March

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth, without any bread,
Whipped them all soundly, and sent them to bed.

I laughed out loud when I first came across this nursery rhyme. Even though it conveys absolute misery, I laughed, because it's untrue. I know that this person with this suffering does not actually exist.

But wait a minute! This person does exist. SURPRISE! (I feel very proud of myself when I'm able to steal your smile away.)

This person does exist. Actually, there are millions of her. People who watch Amro El Leithy's 'One of the People' [wa7ed mn el nas واحد من الناس] program know it very well. Let's analyse each word...

Old woman:
probably unable to take care of herself or her kids and probably unable to work because of her age.

a small dark smelly place with no electricity, no water and no drainage.

So many children:
that in itself isn't a problem but when associated with poverty and ignorance, it's a disaster. Plus the word "so" gives extra sensation of trouble.

Didn't know what to do:
completely helpless, especially since there's no mention of the husband. He might be dead, imprisoned or at some dirty dump where junkies and drug addicts meet. I'm just guessing!

Without any bread:
that's pretty clear! They will sleep hungry..

Whipped them all soundly:
clear child abuse that is ALWAYS associated with ignorance that leads to drastic psychological impacts on the children who will grow up into insecure unbalanced adults and take it out all on their children. The circle of life!


So this supposed-to-be merry nursery rhyme talks about some 40% of the Egyptian population. Meanwhile, the media is talking about Parliament Rockstar Bakry, Parliament Badboy ElOleimy, police officers who want to grow beards and what Sawiris thinks of it and presedential candidates who are bla bla bla-ing all day. Believe it or not, the MP who said that English should be forbidden takes more attention than Amr Khaled who is trying to educate 50,000 illiterates. SubhanAllah ya Akhi! The more important issues like the old woman in the shoe are like dessert to the media: said very quickly in the beginning or the end. (Take a deep breath..)


May Allah's Mercy befall the hungry, the cold and the sleepless.
May His Mercy (SWT) befall the innocent people of Syria.
May His Mercy (SWT) befall the imprisoned in Palestine.
May His Mercy (SWT) befall us all..

حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل

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