Friday 23 December 2011

1/4 gram

I feel very exhausted even though my day was very... not exhausting. I woke up, did some chores, ate, a little chatting, some internet and some reading. And due to my continuous evaluation to my state I know very clearly that the reading session was the reason behind my sudden exhaustion.

I have been reading about a drug addict. He tells us abou his side of the story. I can say with plain language "His life sucks!"

It starts by thinking it's cool. Then, you need it just to 'perfect' your mood. You think you have everything under control but then... all of a sudden your friends die. If they are fortunate, they become infamous and no one wants to have anything to do with their families. In other cases they get caught by the police. Others get "virus C". You decide to stop. But you get back. You're determined this time. One more time.. just this one time. You get back into this endless whirl. You start stealing from your dad's pockets and your mom's jewelry. Where does it end? When does it end? 

That's when I closed the book [1/4 gram]. I was too exhausted trying to imagine myself in his position. I was too exhausted imagining myself in his mother's postion.. or his sister. Her name is Rola. Yes! She has a name. She has a life. She never thought that her twin brother would fall into this black hole. He himself never thought he will. Salah! He has a name too.. and a family.. and a life. Or at least he had one! This is a real story. There are many Salahs out there. The only protection from this plague is mentioned in a small dialogue when his therapist says:

- Do you know what your problem is, Salah?

- What is my problem, Doctor?

- You need to love yourself, or else you'll never make it.

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