We, Egyptians, were being treated like slaves in the time of racism in the USA.
<Good start, Enas! Y'know? People usually start off with a joke! Ka2iba!>
I couldn't find a joke to start with. But what do I mean?
During this dark period in the USA, or at least in the beginning, it was illegal to teach a black man how to read and write. In this sense, it is guaranteed that all the coming generations of the black will be illiterate and ignorant so they won't be able to speak up or find a way out of slavery.
In Egypt, it is legal to educate your child. Don't expect a country in the 21st century to have laws against education. However, since they can't do it by law, let's do it the other way. Make school the worst nightmare a child could have. Over-crowded classes, unqualified teachers, boring books, difficult exams.. what else could one wish for?! You graduate from highschool then get into the same whirl in college. If you don't worship your professor, be sure to see a fat F on your report. You have another choice: better education.. that will suck up all the money in your pockets. And since of course 40% of the people can hardly sustain the money for their children's food, you get the picture that you see. This is 'de-educating the masses'. When education deteriorates, EVERYTHING else follows.
Try not to cry! There's more to come.
It was a fierce psychological war against the black people. Again, to guarantee that they would never rise up, they had to kill the last drop of self-respect and self-acceptance. In plain words, make black people HATE themselves. No blacks were ever to sit down in a bus. No blacks were to use a bathroom for the whites. No blacks were allowed in restaurants for the whites. In some areas and neighborhoods, if a black man enters he would be arrested. We've all heard of all this suffering that made them wonder: 'Are they not just as human as those whites?'
But besides all this, the media played a dirty role. All black people that appeared on TV in movies and etc, were 'fools'. They look terrible. They speak nonsence. They were 'clowns' for the white people to laugh at. It was sending a subliminal message to the blacks: "You are a fool! You are weak!" All the amazing musical talents were hidden. All the amazing novelists were silenced, and so on..
That same psychological war was practised on us. Don't try to convince me that in a period of 20-30 years Egypt had absolutely no successful scenarists and film-makers. 90% of the media presented to the masses was sending the same message. (Egyptian youth are helpless drug addicts who are just looking for a lame love story to waste their time. Adults are so busy complaining about everything. Your life is a piece of crap but what will you weak fellow with the huge belly do? Sit and mourn.)
I might agree, that some movies were trying to show that life to some is unbearable, but you're sending the message to the wrong audience, or maybe in the wrong package.
What's the difference between the blacks in the USA long ago and the Egyptians here?
When the black people glimpsed a way out of this miserable life, they jumped at the opportunity and fought fiercely. None said: "I'll just be a slave. At least this way, I'm given my food and drink."
There's a huge direction in Egypt of opposing the revolution. The previous life of slavery is missed. Hmmm..
They never print "slave" on your ID. They imprint it in your mind.
Remember this, the blacks did not get their freedom in one day. They fought and fought for years and years.. but hard work pays. The president of the USA is black!
We can't give up now! Not after all this oppression! If you don't care about the terrible standards of living and education, you should definitely be interested to know that your blood will be shed the moment your presence threatens the throne.. WE CAN'T GIVE UP NOW!
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